Every Wednesday we gather in the Chapel of Peace for Bible Study and a brief Service of Evening Prayer. Please join us at 7:00 PM.
Every Wednesday we gather in the Chapel of Peace for Bible Study and a brief Service of Evening Prayer. Please join us at 7:00 PM.
Sunday school has started. There is a children’s celebration in the Chapel at 9:30 followed by classes every Sunday.
We will be receiving a class of new church members in October. Please speak with the Pastor or one of the Elders if you are interested in learning more about church membership.
We are in great need of food pantry items. We are hoping the congregation will be able to bring the following items to church to help. The following items are especially needed this month: canned beans, jelly, spaghetti sauce, rice, potatoes (canned or instant), macaroni and cheese, cereal and canned pasta.