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Annual Meeting Postponed
December 29, 2020 @ 8:00 am - February 14, 2021 @ 5:00 pm EST
The Consistory Session voted to postpone our Annual Meeting until the spring when we hope to meet in person. That means we will hold off the election of new Deacons, Trustees and Elders for a few months. We will have a brief Zoom Congregational Meeting sometime in January to select a Nominating Committee and review the pastor’s Terms of Call. Stay tuned for news of a later Annual Meeting with reports and updates from the various committees and ministries and election of a new class of officers.
The Consistory Session has called a Congregational Meeting by Zoom on Sunday, February 7th, at noon (following worship). The purpose of the meeting is to elect a nominating committee, review the 2021 budget and approve the pastor’s annual Terms of Call. The meeting should only last about ten or fifteen minutes. We hope that you will attend! Here is the link to that meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86153603043?pwd=SnU1NHpDWDgralFjamwrSmFiT3pwUT09