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OBC Covid-19 Update: March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020 @ 8:00 am - April 11, 2020 @ 5:00 pm EDT
Dear Friends and Members of Old Bergen Church,
Grace and peace be with you. May God be present with you in healing and restorative ways that strengthen you in these challenging days. Know that you are not alone and that you are encouraged to reach out to the church and others to offer support and even real physical help. I am writing to let you know that even though the congregation is not meeting together, that we are still the church for each other. Here are a few opportunities and ministries that are still happening despite (and sometimes because of) the limitations during this health crisis.
A few members (four people last week) meet on Wednesday night for Bible Study in the chapel. As long as the numbers remain low enough to keep safe social distance, we will continue that practice.
On Thursday, we will offer a Midday Prayer Service by means of a conference call. You can call in on Thursday at 12:00 noon to 515-739-1030 The meeting ID is: 423-144-544
Pastor Jon will lead a simple prayer service and offer you the opportunity to share your own prayer needs and expressions.
On Sunday, we will once again hold worship by means of video live streaming on Facebook. Last Sunday we had 116 views of our worship. When I checked the video feed during Chris’s offertory I noticed 57 different computers or smart phones following at that moment. Many thanks to the positive comments from members and friends near and far. Incidentally, some were following from NC, Texas, Bethlehem (Palestine), Maryland, Florida, and other places around the world. You can find the worship service live streams on Facebook at:
This Saturday we will continue our community outreach through our Food Pantry. We have consulted with the NJ Community Food Bank as well as other agencies and devised a plan to distribute food while still adhering to necessary health precautions. We will do this with just a few volunteers with gloves, masks, and other precautions. Know that your church is having an important impact on those with greatest need in our community. Your contributions to our church’s ministries continue to bear witness to God’s love.
Speaking of contributions, we want to encourage you to continue your support of Old Bergen as you are able. You can mail in your offering to 1 Highland Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306. You can also call or email the church office 201-433-1815 and oldbergenchurch@gmail.com and request information on how to make a direct deposit.
Finally, let me underscore the invitation to let us know if you have needs – spiritual, physical, financial, emotional. Please call, text or email if you feel isolated and need assistance in obtaining food or supplies. Remember, you are not alone and God is present with all of us. As Jesus reminded his followers, “I will never leave nor forsake you.”
Grace and peace,
Pastor Jon
Old Bergen Church
1 Highland Ave.
Jersey City, NJ 07306